

Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a city where the beautiful blue Danube runs its course… Empress and Emperor have long been the stuff of history books. Instead, the evil witch Ressourcilla was up to mischief. She wanted to destroy our planet, but fortunately two families have joined forces to put an end to this madness. Bravely they revolted together against the witch….

“There are enough resources. Buy, buy, buy,” whispered Ressourcilla.
“If you always want the latest, you have to buy, buy, buy!” said Ressourcilla.
“Live in the moment and buy, buy, buy!!!” roared Ressourcilla.

The wicked witch had no good intentions. She did not want people to benefit from modern products at all. She didn’t want parents to save time, money and space. And certainly she did not want the parents to contribute to the protection of nature. How wicked witches are, she wanted to lead the planet into disaster with waste.

Two families, connected through close friendship, set themselves a mission. They had been through so much together, they could conquer Ressourcilla too. Once the wicked Witch is defeated, the children could benefit from a brighter future.

“We must protect the planet and contribute to a better world! As parents, we can harness the power of family and rebel against wasting resources! That will rob the wicked witch of all her strength!”, both families agreed.

With small steps they would be able to stop the waste of resources. A stroller rental service was the right solution to inspire other parents and to deal with Ressourcilla. Instead of short-lived “buy, buy, buy” parents could rent products for their children. It would save them money and space. In addition, a stroller rental or subscription service would be much easier on the nerves, as parents could always return the products if they no longer met their expectations. The waste of resources would be reduced! Ressourcilla would be furious!

And so it happened.

Based on true friendship and mutual respect, the two families started BabyBob. The collective power and strong will to bring about change gave them enough courage to face the witch. When Ressourcilla heard about the idea, she ran away, terrified and angry. And if she hasn’t found a sustainable lifestyle herself, she’s probably still upset today.

This is how BabyBob came about.

We have a mission that we want to accomplish as parents for parents:
– Conscious use of resources
– Sustainability instead of waste
– A future worth living for our children
– Helping parents to save money, time and space

If you share these goals, then BabyBob is for you. Take a look at our product range and service, together we can create a more sustainable world for us and our children.

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